Monday, June 25, 2012

Why People Should Stop Making Remakes (Part One)

Okay, so I'm all for opening the younger generation to the classic older films, but you don't need to remake, recut, recast, or otherwise reshoot the film.

Here are three examples of what I think of as failed remakes (or "homage") , and three films that SHOULD NEVER be remade.

Well...Part One:

My Rating Scale for Films:

(High to Low)

Failed Remake #1:

A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010):

I just want to know what the heck the filmmakers were thinking of with this one? I guess my only question is this, 'WHY?!' Michael Bay should really stick to explosive action films.

I am an avid horror fan and I just...honestly, I was alright with this when I first saw it. But...seeing it now from the perspective of someone older...I time-watched. It was awful!

Firstly, they made Freddy a child-molester...Freddy was not originally a pedophile. He wasn't. It was kind of an uncomfortable choice and it was really unconvincing that the parents didn't tell their children about it. They let them repress the memory...that doesn't lead to trouble at all.

Secondly, Jackie Earle Haley looked like a burnt lion. No joke. Make Up FAIL. And this is after they had to re-shoot for make up errors.

All in all, this movie was an epic fail. Robert Englund should've made like Richard O'Brian (Another Story) and said NO to this failure.


Untouchable Film #1:

The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975):

Good God I love this film. I mean, this is just the perfect cult classic right here. For those of you not given the gift that is this film, it's about these super stupid kids who get stranded without a spare tire and end up stuck in this freaky house (owned by a transvestite). 

TIM CURRY. This man (also known as Nigel Thornberry by those of you born circa 1994-1996) was amazing in this film! You just can't not act with this character.
I can't say too much or I will basically give you the whole film, but I'm totally recommending it to you! Plus the Midnight Shows are totally get to dress up in some bizarre costumes (that are really cute!)!


Thank God, Richard O'Brian had the common sense to voice his displeasure with plans to remake this.Unfortunately...he did let the next failure happen...Which brings me to...

Failed Remake #2:

The Rocky Horror Glee Show:

That was my reaction exactly. I LOVE Glee, don't get me wrong (especially since Darren Criss joined the cast) but this was just an abortion. Those fellow Rocky Horror Fans will probably understand the following list of problems with this episode:

  • They censored the word, 'Transsexual' in the song, "Sweet Transvestite".
    • My problem with this is (besides ruining what is easily the best song in the original film) is that Glee is known for being a very strong advocate of LGBT rights. It seems extremely hypocritical. Richard O'Brian did express his confusion at this as well.
    • The song literally explains Frank N Furter as a character; an introduction song.
    • The original:
    • The Glee Version:
  • They made Will such a butt-monkey. As many 'Gleeks' know, Mr. Schuester (Matthew Morrison) is generally a well-rounded, kind, and caring teacher. Will often places the glee kids in front of everything (including his own marriage), but his only REAL reason for putting on 'The Rocky Horror Show' is to have sex with Emma Pillsbury (Jayma Mays), who by the way is married to Dr. Carl Howell (John Stamos or Uncle Jesse). 
    • The Casting of the play goes like this:
      • (Original)
        • Brad Majors - Finn Hudson
        • Janet Weiss - Rachel Berry
        • Columbia - Tina Cohen-Chang, Brittany S. Pierce
        • Magenta - Santana Lopez, Quinn Fabray
        • Riff Raff - Kurt Hummel
        • Frank-N-Furter - Mercedes Jones
        • Rocky Horror - Sam Evans
      • Will's Revised Edition:
        • Rocky Horror - Himself
        • Eddie - Carl
    • So AFTER he and Emma basically scar the classroom that they sing ' Touch-A Touch-A Touch Me', he's all like, "I should be Rocky, and show off my hot body..."
      • Rocky and Janet are "together" in the play and film.

Anyway, that was part one of the two part series, if you have any rages against some "failed" remakes, comment and let me know!


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Why Middle Schoolers Suck.

Warning: The Video is Extremely Heart-Wrenching:

By now most of you have probably heard about the elderly woman who was bullied on the bus. These kids are disgusting. I feel that they have ZERO respect for anyone or themselves. Certainly not for their parents! This is the representation of their families that they're giving us: insecure monsters.

This is literally the most disgusting, vile, and inhumane video that ever existed. It's heartbreaking to see how barbaric these middle school boys are to this poor woman.

I mean come on! How insecure do you have to be that you have to literally strive to break a woman's spirit. Bullying an older woman? Really? How bad are your problems that give you such a crappy self-esteem that you have some kind of soul sucking urge to verbally attack an innocent person?

I know that it's not the worst thing going on in the world, but to upload a video of it? What?! What child could be proud of this? Only one parent has come out and said that he was disgusted by it. One of four parents.

Luckily someone has started a fundraiser for the Bus Monitor, if you'd like to donate, please visit:

They've already raised over $300,00 and it's all to send this woman and her family on a vacation. And with little butt monkeys like these kids...she needs one.


Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Hey, I've been extremely busy as of late. Thanks to those of you who are so very very patient!

I'll try and give a (RELEVANT) post tomorrow at the soonest!


Saturday, June 16, 2012

Harry Potter: Movies that Annoyed Me Because They Didn't Include...

Not Important reasons...honestly most of the movies that I was mad about ignored vital Harry/Ginny moments (I'm a total canon shipper for those two....)

Order of the Phoenix:
I mean they really only messed up the end bit with Harry kind of getting that feeling about liking her...If they had established that one little scene, it would've at least explained why Harry was kind of stalking her during Half Blood Prince (and that more than awkward scene where she "tied his shoe laces"...

Half-Blood Prince:

Harry. Stalked. TWO PEOPLE IN THIS MOVIE! He stalked Malfoy (again, creepy.) And then for some odd reason he magically (no pun intended) fell in love with Ginny. I was actually looking forward to that scene where Ron and Ginny fought cause he and Harry busted her playing Tongue Twister with Dean.  THEN THEY SCREWED UP THE KISS!!!! (And I was kinda looking forward to seeing Snape torture Harry in Ugh.

And then. There was. The creepiest, most uncomfortable scene ever.

"Your shoe laces are untied..." While she was clad in only a bathrobe, she bends down and ties his shoes for him. Sure, that's what she was doing David Yates. Uh huh.

Oh. Wait. THEY DIDN'T HAVE DUMBLEDORE'S FUNERAL EITHER. I was in the theater like, "WTF?!" I mean I was crying too, but still. I was like okay, maybe, JUST MAYBE, they'd open the next movie with Dumbledore's funeral. Nope. Bastards.

Deathly Hallows Part 1:
This one I don't think bothered me that much...maybe except for yet another awkward scene where "Harry" and "Hermione" were naked...That was in the book though, and yet I had no problem with Daniel Radcliffe getting "almost" naked to get the sword in the lake...seriously Harry's ripped.

Deathly Hallows Part 2:
The only part that, not so much bothered me was that Neville was in love with didn't bother me but still I found it quite unusual...


Not entirely heinous.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Inspiration to Me: Part One (The Female Inspiration)

Inspiration is one of the most important things ever to an artist. Whatever it is, and whoever it is, and whatever you call it. I am by no means calling myself an artist, but as a human being we all have people who we look up to. I have so many (many being family, but I will not ever talk about my family in a blog post, honestly that is one thing that is none of the reader's business) inspirations, muses, etc.

But right now, I only want to talk about the females that inspire me.

Girls today, we look up to the wrong people.
Brittney Spears
Kim Kardashian
Nikki Minaj (Ew.)
Lindsey Lohan
Miley Cyrus
Selena Gomez

Notice that Lady GaGa wasn't on that list. We don't look up to these women because they've done something worth remembering, we look up to them because they're there.

Lady GaGa is an anti-bullying, LGBT activist. That's why I think she's a good role model (Weird, that's for sure) but good.

My role models (besides my family members) are:
#1 Anne Boleyn
#2 Jackie Kennedy

I know that it's a pretty odd combination of women, but bear with me.


 Anne Boleyn (1501-1536)

This woman had the worst kind of luck. She lived in a man's world. Sorry but she did. By today's standards, Henry the Eighth basically sexually harassed her, but I digress. She wasn't an everyday beauty (the standards were, Blonde, Blue eyes, and slightly plump), she was tall, slender, and dark. She lived in Tudor England, during the bloody reign of Henry the Eighth. Ole Henry was already sick of wife #1 Katherine of Aragon and had taken up with many mistresses (including Anne's sister) but he fell in love with Anne.

She used her body to get what she wanted, but at least she stuck to her conventions. The girl had class, she refused to have sex with Henry until she was Queen. She was ambitious and true, she even gave England their best monarch: Elizabeth I, "The Virgin Queen".  Unfortunately, being the second wife gave her the short end of the stick. People called her whore, and slut. Much like those jealous kids in the hallway who really don't know much about you. She miscarried time and time again. She couldn't have a male baby. Even though she gave Henry a beautiful daughter...he met another woman.

But alas, where did this get dark, strong Anne?

He cut her head off. And married his third wife, Jane Seymour,  a short nine days later.


Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy Onassis (1929-1994)

Obviously, by my quote on the left, you can tell that I admire Mrs. Kennedy. I think that she was the most beautiful and the most graceful woman in the world during a time of turmoil. She too had an unfaithful husband, but she was lucky: Presidents can't execute their wives.

Not that JFK would have anyway...he loved his darling wife. She gave him two children, Caroline, and John Jr (1960-1999). Technically she gave him four, unfortunately their first child, Arabella was a stillborn, and their fourth child Patrick died of a respiratory infection. Jackie was a picture perfect wife, and she became the model of the modern First Lady.

We all remember her in the pink stained suit. Personally, if I was married, and my husband was shot in front of me and his brains, for lack of a better word, splattered onto me: I would've flipped out. She didn't. She remained collected, and got through that awful day in November.

Everybody remembers her at John's funeral, she stood proud and kept her emotions in. She was strong for her children and put them first before everything. That was also her son's birthday. They still celebrated it though.

Jackie even married Aristotle Onassis, just to keep her children safe, after Robert Kennedy was assassinated.

She lived her life in public and remained emotionally removed. You will never, ever, see a picture of this woman crying. She saved that for private.

Mrs. Kennedy passed away in 1994 of cancer, being one of the only Kennedys to die after a fully lived life.

These are women we should admire, and only some. They actually contributed to world progress:
Anne was the catalyst for the Protestant Reformation.
Jackie was "America's Widow", became an editor after her two husbands' deaths, and fought to preserve Grand Central Station, as well as many other monuments.

I'd like to see Kim Kardashian preserve anything other than a 72 day marriage. I'd like to see Lindsey Lohan be the catalyst to anything other than stricter drug laws. I'm not even going to touch Nikki Minaj...I just can't stand her.

Thanks for reading, and I truly hope that this made you, the reader, see things from a different light.


Welcome to My Blog: Introduction

Oh blogs. How funny they seem. As if anyone is really reading this. Ho hum.

Blah Blah Blah.

I wanted to make a blog so that I could share my opinion about things over the internet and not be publicly shamed for them...

Ha ha. Just kidding! I don't care what people think about my opinions. Guess what? That was my opinion about my opinions.

So I'm trying to come up with something to write here today and honestly I've got Facebook on in another tab.

Welcome to my blog, I guess! I'm probably going to write about my day to day problems or my random bursts of rants... When, and If, I talk about someone personal in my life, chances are...there's a name change.

Thanks author of the Help! I stole an idea!

Only, I'm not going to put certain events in here that would completely give away who I am, and who I'm talking about.

You should probably know a little bit about me if you're going to be reading my blog...So stay tuned!


Annnnnnnnd we're back!

I'm random, that's fact number one. Extremely random in fact. I also haven't really figured out what I'm going to do with this blog yet either...

I'm a book nerd so I might do book reviews every once and awhile...

Let's see, I also love movies so I might do reviews of those too...

I'm a non-conformist, maybe I'll do reviews of latest fads that I honestly will most likely have to look up just so I can give my two cents on it.

I also use big words too...

I'm a huge nerd of (*cough* Harry Potter *cough) and you'll probably see me post about that too.

Well, I'm out of ideas of what to say in this first ever blog post...

Thanks for reading, and If I ever give advice, chances are:

It's probably not very good.
Just Kidding!